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Release date: Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Links to report summary:
The latest crime statistics from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) show that recorded criminal incidents in each of the 13 major offence categories were stable over the 24 months to September 2024. This is the first time since September 2022 that no major offence has significantly increased in the preceding two years.
Executive Director of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Jackie Fitzgerald, says: “While property crime has been in decline for some-time, since at least 2018 we have seen persistent increases in recorded incidents of domestic and sexual assault. Given that, it’s pleasing now to report that, as of September 2024, not a single major violent or property offence has significantly increased over the past two-years. Another positive is that these stable patterns are evident in both Sydney and Regional NSW.”
“Motor Vehicle Theft is another offence that was increasing, but which may now be stabilising. The previous seven quarterly crime reports all indicated a significant increase in Motor Vehicle Theft, largely due to sizeable rises in Regional NSW. Now, however, motor vehicle theft is stable in NSW, Regional NSW and Greater Sydney. Of the 28 statistical areas in NSW only five are showing an increase in car theft in the past two years.
Another good result is that the number of court actions against both adults and young people have remained steady over the 24 months to September 2024.”
The report also shows trends in recorded crime over the ten years to September 2024. Over that period, recorded incidents of four major offence categories significantly increased:
Jackie Fitzgerald, Executive Director, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research.
Phone: +61 423 139 687
Email: - external site
Copies of the report:
11 Dec 2024