Guide for the Crime Mapping Tool

This guide helps you use the Crime Mapping Tool (CMT) to find information on crime incidents, offenders, and victims recorded by the NSW Police Force.

Choosing a Location:

  • Pick one of four types of geographic boundaries: Local Government Area (LGA), postcode, Statistical Area (SA4), or suburb.

  • To select specific regions, use to Location search box on the top left-hand of the navigation menu. 

  • Alternatively, specific regions can be selected by clicking regions of interest in the rate map. 

  • When in Table view, NSW appears at the top of the table. Regions of interest can be pinned in the rows directly below NSW. 

Choosing Counting Units:

  • Options are incidents (default), victims, and offenders.

Choosing an Offence Type:

  • There are ten Main offence categories, some with sub-offences. 

  • Additional offence categories are available when the Other offence button is selected. 

  • Only one offence can be selected at a time.

Using Filters:

  • Seven data filters are available: premise type, alcohol-related, domestic violence-related, day type, time, gender, and age.

  • Not all filters work for all offence types or counting units.

  • More than one filter category can be applied at a time.

Choosing a Date Range:

  • Default is 2 years ending with the most recent month and year available.

  • Change the length of time shown in the range using left side of the date range drop-down menu.

  • Change end date of the data range using the right side of the date range drop-down menu.

  • Data available from 1996.

Changing Location and Variable Selections:

  • A title at the top of the CMT shows a summary of your selections including counting unit, date rage, offence type, location and filters applied.

  • You can change variables by clicking on different variable or filters in the navigation menu.

  • Use the reset button to go back to default settings.

Switching Views:

  • Views include Rate Map (default), Table, Trend, Charts, and Hotspot Maps.

  • Switch views from the Rate Map by clicking on the preferred icon above the map.  

Data Display Options:

  • Rate Map: Areas with an eligible population above 2,000 are coloured on the map. Those with a population between 1,000 and 2,000 are hatched, as their rate statistics should be used with caution. Areas with fewer than 1,000 eligible people are shown clear, as no rate calculation is provided.

  • Table: Shows trends, counts, and rates for NSW by region. Regions of interest can be pinned to the top of the table. When a region is pinned, a summary window will appear on the right-hand side of the table. This shows a comparison of the count, rate and trend of the offence type in the selected region with NSW total. 

  • Trend: Plots crime rates over time for NSW and selected regions. The default chart will show monthly data but can be changed to 12-month data points by selecting the Yearly button on the top right-hand side of the chart. A pop-up box provides a summary of the rate and trend for the regions selected. The rate will change for each data point on the chart while the trend relates to the trend over the entire date range selected.  

  • Charts: Shows data for offence type and region by different variables. The charts will only show data for the most recent 12 months in the date range and for the last region selected. 

  • Hotspot Map: Shows areas with high crime concentration. Hotspots are not adjusted for the number of people residing in or visiting the region and so do not necessarily reflect areas where people have a higher-than-average risk of victimisation. You can use either the scroll wheel on the mouse or the zoom buttons in the bottom right-hand corner of the map (indicated by + and -) to zoom in and out of areas on these maps. Note that this feature is offence dependent and will only show on the top bar of the CMT when an applicable crime has been selected.


We recommend the Google Chrome internet browser for best results, but it will work with Firefox and Internet Explorer version 11 or above. 

Why can’t I see the hotspots tab?

Hotspots are only available for certain offences. If you cannot see the Hotspots Map icon it means this feature is not available for that offence. 

Why can’t I see any data?

If the tool does not return any data in your table, please clear your browsing history and try again. If this does not correct the issue, please contact us for assistance. 

What data can I download and how can I print it?

The graphs, tables and maps can be downloaded from the CMT and saved or printed. 

How frequently is the data updated?

BOCSAR releases recorded crime data quarterly. To ensure crime data is as accurate, valid and reliable as can be we release data three months after the current quarter (e.g. in September data ending June for that year is released). 

Why is there no data for my selected region in the graphs?

If no data is shown for a region it is because either no incidents of that crime type were recorded, or the population for that region is too small to reliably calculate rates. This can be verified in the table view, with not calculable (n.c.) usually recorded for such data. 

How is the rate information calculated?

Rates are calculated using population data provided by Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Monthly rates are calculated by applying the corresponding ABS population to the monthly count and then multiplying the result by 100,000. Rates for 12 monthly periods are calculated by adding together the rates for each month in the 12-month period of interest (e.g. the 12-month rate for January 2023 to December 2023 is calculated by adding together the monthly rates for January 2023up to December 2023). For more information on rate, please see the BOCSAR glossary

Contact Information:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 

For help or feedback, email or call +61 2 8688 9800.

Last updated:

20 Feb 2025