
Statistics and data relating to the number of adults and young people in custody in NSW.

Latest: NSW Custody Statistics 

BOCSAR produces a quarterly report series examining trends in the number of adults and young people in custody in NSW. Data is available for both adult prisons and youth detention. Information is provided on the custody population, receptions, discharges, offence types and the average length of stay.

Published: August 2024

Featured tools

Explore custody data with the tools below:

Image of rocks balancing on scales
Explore the trends in the number of adults and young people in custody with this dashboard
Image of long bail gaol
Explore the trends in receptions and discharges into custody with this interactive tool

Datasets, reports and dashboards

Explore extensive custody data here:

Understanding these data and statistics

How to get the most out of the custody data provided by BOCSAR: 

Can't find the data you're looking for?

Have a look at these other relevant pages or contact the BOCSAR Information Service.

Last updated:

08 Oct 2024