Driving offences

A wide range of behaviours fall under driving offences. Penalties range from fines and licence suspension to imprisonment for more serious offences.

This page shows data on the number of people proceeded against by the NSW Police Force for offences relating to vehicles and most forms of traffic, including offences pertaining to the licensing, registration, roadworthiness or use of vehicles, bicycle offences and pedestrian offences.

BOCSAR's driving offence data reflects the number of legal actions commenced by NSW Police, not the number of recorded incidents. It includes only incidents detected by NSW Police and excludes Transport for NSW matters such as speeding offences captured by red light cameras. For information on Transport for NSW detected matters, see the Revenue NSW penalty notice dashboard.

Data file

See the full tables for: Driving Offences (XLSX, 1.3 MB)

The first chart shows the number of people proceeded against in the last 12 months for driving offences in the Local Government Area (LGA) where the offence occurred.


We next turn to look at trends over the last ten years in people proceeded against for driving offences by the LGA where the offence occurred.



The next section explores regional patterns in driving offences. The maps below shows the location of people proceeded against for driving offences by Local Government Area. Click on the arrows to toggle between the number and rate per 100,000 population.


Last updated:

05 Feb 2025