Offences involving weapons

Community perceptions of weapon related violence play a significant part in the frequency of these behaviours and how communities respond.

Black & white image of hand

Recorded crime statistics show that violent offences involving firearms or knives are generally stable or decreasing.  The interactive graphs below show that number of murders, attempted murders, assaults and robberies involving knives or firearms have been decreasing over the past two decades.

Data file: Firearm and knife violence statistics (XLSX, 305.0 KB)

The first chart shows the number of recorded incidents of domestic assault, non-domestic assault and robbery involving a knife or firearm.


The chart below shows information about the number of offenders proceeded against by the NSW Police for offences involving a knife by age.


Non-fatal shooting offences

This section presents data on incidents of non-fatal shootings recorded by the NSW Police Force, in particular shoot with intent to murder, shoot with intent other than to murder, discharge firearm into premises and unlawfully discharge firearm.

Tables:  Non-fatal shootings excel file (XLSX, 24.0 KB)

The first chart shows the long term trends in the number of non-fatal shooting in NSW. 

The following chart shows the premise type where non-fatal shooting incidents occurred.

Note: Unlawfully discharge firearm – incidents where gunshots are fired with the apparent intention to threaten or frighten the victim. Discharge firearm into premises – the intention is usually to threaten rather than to physically harm residents. Shoot with intent - incidents where a victim is deliberately shot. These are classified as shoot with intent to murder or shoot with intent other than to murder. 

Last updated:

05 Feb 2025