2017 Applied Research in Crime and Justice Conference

​Conference program 2017 (PDF, 1.8 MB) (2 pages)

Conference handbook 2017 - program and abstracts (PDF, 1.1 MB) (15 pages)

Keynote  Organisation Title Slides Media
Elizabeth Drake Washington State Institute for Public Policy Using research evidence to reduce crime in Washington State: Trends, taxpayer costs, & “What works?”

Slides (PPTX, 1.8 MB)

Steven Raphael University of California, Berkeley Sentencing reform in California and Public Safety Slides (PPT, 1.3 MB)
Rick Sarre University of South Australia What I would do with $100 million to spend on law and order and criminal justice Slides (PPTX, 2.0 MB)

Presenters Organisation Title Slides
Christine Bond Griffith University Sentencing breaches of Domestic Violence Protection Orders: Comparing a specialist court and mainstream court sentencing outcomes Slides (PPTX, 841.5 KB)
Andy Chiang University of Melbourne The challenges of effective police intervention into family violence in immigrant communities in Victoria Slides (PPTX, 594.7 KB)
Nabila Chowdhury University of New South Wales The relationship between psychoses and offending in New South Wales: A data-linkage study Slides (PPTX, 615.2 KB)
Neil Donnelly NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Willingness to pay a fine Slides (PPTX, 470.8 KB)
Michael Doyle University of New South Wales Prison based treatment programs for men with a history of problematic alcohol and other drug use: A systematic review Slides (PPTX, 1.1 MB)
Robin Fitzgerald University of Queensland Australian public opinion and parole Slides (PPTX, 384.9 KB)
Jennifer Galouzis Corrections NSW Measuring institutional violence Slides (Document, 317.0 KB)
Jane Goodman-Delahunty Charles Sturt University Lifting the lid on jury reasoning and decision-making Slides (PPTX, 9.5 MB)
Caitlin Hughes University of New South Wales Can police deter drug use and supply at music festivals and licensed entertainment precincts? Slides (PPT, 1.5 MB)
​Tim Hughes ​New Zealand Ministry of Justice The New Zealand investment approach to justice ​n/a
Gloria  Laycock Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science at University College London A new paradigm for police research? Slides (PPTX, 980.4 KB)
Stéphane Mahuteau Flinders University Crime victimisation and subjective well-being: Panel evidence from Australia Slides (PPTX, 2.2 MB)
Melanie Millsteed Crime Statistics Agency, Victoria Identifying the differences between generalist and specialist family violence perpetrators Slides (PPTX, 11.5 MB)
Jason Payne Australian National University The Australian crime decline: insights from the offending trajectories of two NSW birth cohorts Slides (PPT, 1.1 MB)
Janet Ransley Griffith University Hub policing: Evaluating a new policing strategy in two Queensland regions Slides (PPTX, 336.7 KB)
Nick Scott Centre for Population Health, Burnet Institute Using simulation modelling to examine the impact of venue lockout and last-drink policies on drinking-related harms and costs to licensees Slides (PPT, 2.1 MB)
Stella Settumba University of New South Wales Economic evaluation of offender treatment programs: A systematic review of the literature with a focus on behavioural studies Slides (PPTX, 946.9 KB)
Marian Shanahan University of New South Wales A cost-effectiveness analysis of opioid substitution therapy upon prison release in reducing mortality among people with a history of opioid dependence Slides (PPT, 6.1 MB)
Mieke Snijder University of New South Wales Individual and community characteristics associated with alcohol related crimes among Aboriginal people and the outcomes of a community-based trial targeting these characteristics in regional NSW Slides (PPT, 3.9 MB)
Anna Stewart Griffith University Effective prevention of child maltreatment Slides (PPTX, 4.6 MB)
Hamish Thorburn NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research New South Wales District Criminal Court Backlog Simulation Slides (PPTX, 468.5 KB)
John Toumbourou Deakin University Identifying policy options to prevent family violence and incarceration using longitudinal cohort and return-on investment data Slides (PPTX, 4.3 MB)
Carla Treloar University of New South Wales Housing, agency and luck in a qualitative study of men in the post-prison release period Slides (PPTX, 1.8 MB)
Lily Trimboli NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Outcome evaluation of NSW’s Safer Pathway domestic violence program: Victims’ experiences Slides (PPT, 1.7 MB)
Stacy Tzoumakis University of New South Wales Using big data to examine the relationship between parental contact with the criminal justice system and the development of early childhood offspring aggression in a population sample Slides (PPTX, 703.6 KB)
Kate Warner University of Tasmania The Victorian Jury Sentencing Research Project Slides (PPTX, 950.6 KB)
Don Weatherburn NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research The effect of liquor licensing restrictions on assault in the KX and the Sydney CBD entertainment precincts Slides
(PPT, 3.1 MB)
Last updated:

05 Feb 2025