2019 Applied Research in Crime and Justice Conference

​Conference program 2019 (PDF, 9.6 MB) (2 pages)

Conference handbook 2019 - program and abstracts (PDF, 10.6 MB) (20 pages)

Keynotes Organisation Title Files Media
​Anaïs Henneguelle ​École Normale Supérieure of Paris-Saclay ​What works in France? Questions and answers about recidivism and electronic monitoring

Slides (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Paul Mazerolle Griffith University Striving for effectiveness in crime and justice policy: Rhetoric, reality and pathways for the future Slides (PPTX, 3.5 MB) YouTube
Kevin Schnepel Simon Fraser University Diversion in the Criminal Justice System Slides (PDF, 6.1 MB) YouTube
​David Wilson ​George Mason University ​Developing a theory of effective juvenile delinquency programming through an examination of change-levers rather than program types: Preliminary evidence from a large juvenile delinquency meta-analysis

Slides (PDF, 102.8 KB)

Presenters Organisation Title Files Media
Armita Adily Kirby Institute, The University of New South Wales The role of mental health treatment in preventing offending behaviour Slides (PPTX, 1.6 MB) YouTube
Troy Allard Griffith University Costing Indigenous and non-Indigenous offending trajectories Slides (PPTX, 757.6 KB) YouTube
George Athanasopoulos

Monash University

Forecasting prisoner numbers: A grouped time series approach Slides (PDF, 2.0 MB) YouTube
Jennifer Bell
Sandra Sacre
Queensland Corrective Services Predictive factors in attempted and completed suicides in Queensland correctional facilities Slides (PPTX, 4.0 MB) YouTube
Joe Clare University of Western Australia What’s changing in what’s being stolen? Examining 11-years of residential burglaries for target selection, repeat victimisation, net return on offending effort, and theft of motor vehicles. Slides (PPTX, 6.3 MB) YouTube
Alana Cook Department of the Attorney-General and Justice, NT An analysis of alcohol-related justice system contacts following introduction of the Northern Territory Banned Drinker Register Slides (PPTX, 1.7 MB) YouTube
George Karystianis Kirby Institute, The University of New South Wales Automatic extraction of mental health disorders from domestic violence police narratives: a text mining study Slides (PPTX, 9.1 MB) YouTube
Felix Leung NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Predicting offending on bail Slides (PDF, 3.5 MB) YouTube
Roman Marchant Centre for Translational Data Science Bayesian optimisation for police patrolling Slides (PPTX, 61.8 MB) YouTube
Federico Masera University of New South Wales Flight from urban blight: Lead poisoning, crime and suburbanization Slides (PDF, 5.4 MB) YouTube
Anthony Morgan Australian Institute of Criminology Does CCTV help police solve crime? Slides (PPTX, 533.8 KB) YouTube
Evarn J Ooi NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research The impact of Private versus Public legal representation on criminal proceedings Slides (PDF, 99.3 KB) YouTube
Kyle Ott
Rachel Teicher
John Jay College of Criminal Justice Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Data Science: A case study of enhancing IPV data and implementing an IPV focused deterrence strategy Slides (PDF, 589.7 KB) YouTube
Suzanne Poynton NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research The effect of the NSW custodial Violent Offender Treatment Program (VOTP) on reoffending Slides (PDF, 1.0 MB) YouTube
Sara Rahman NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research The marginal effect of bail decisions on failure to appear, imprisonment and crime Slides (PDF, 1.1 MB) YouTube
Lucy Snowball NSW Department of Education Did the National Firearms Agreement reduce the likelihood of a gun massacre in Australia? Slides (PPTX, 118.6 KB) YouTube
Benjamin Spivak
Nina Papalia
Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science: Swinburne University A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of psychological interventions with violent offenders in custodial, community, and forensic mental health settings Slides (PPTX, 1.4 MB) YouTube
Anna Stewart Griffith University Assessing the life course overlaps among mental health, child protection and criminal justice system contacts: Similarities and differences by gender and Indigenous status Slides (PPTX, 1.5 MB) YouTube
Don Weatherburn NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Can electronic monitoring reduce reoffending Slides (PPTX, 1.1 MB) YouTube
Richard Wortley Jill Dando Institute, University College London A situational analysis of homicide in Australia Slides (PDF, 235.6 KB) YouTube
Steve Yeong NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research The effect of police on crime and arrests: Are police deterring or incapacitating criminals? Slides (PDF, 219.2 KB) YouTube
Steve Yeong NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research A re-analysis of the 2015 Domestic Violence Evidence in Chief Re-offending (DVEC) Slides (PDF, 433.8 KB) YouTube
Giulio Zanella University of Adelaide Prison work and recidivism Slides (PDF, 535.7 KB) YouTube
Last updated:

05 Feb 2025