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Conference program 2019 (PDF, 9.6 MB) (2 pages)
Conference handbook 2019 - program and abstracts (PDF, 10.6 MB) (20 pages)
Keynotes | Organisation | Title | Files | Media |
Anaïs Henneguelle | École Normale Supérieure of Paris-Saclay | What works in France? Questions and answers about recidivism and electronic monitoring | Slides (PDF, 1.1 MB) |
YouTube |
Paul Mazerolle | Griffith University | Striving for effectiveness in crime and justice policy: Rhetoric, reality and pathways for the future | Slides (PPTX, 3.5 MB) | YouTube |
Kevin Schnepel | Simon Fraser University | Diversion in the Criminal Justice System | Slides (PDF, 6.1 MB) | YouTube |
David Wilson | George Mason University | Developing a theory of effective juvenile delinquency programming through an examination of change-levers rather than program types: Preliminary evidence from a large juvenile delinquency meta-analysis | Slides (PDF, 102.8 KB) |
YouTube |
Presenters | Organisation | Title | Files | Media |
Armita Adily | Kirby Institute, The University of New South Wales | The role of mental health treatment in preventing offending behaviour | Slides (PPTX, 1.6 MB) | YouTube |
Troy Allard | Griffith University | Costing Indigenous and non-Indigenous offending trajectories | Slides (PPTX, 757.6 KB) | YouTube |
George Athanasopoulos |
Monash University |
Forecasting prisoner numbers: A grouped time series approach | Slides (PDF, 2.0 MB) | YouTube |
Jennifer Bell Sandra Sacre |
Queensland Corrective Services | Predictive factors in attempted and completed suicides in Queensland correctional facilities | Slides (PPTX, 4.0 MB) | YouTube |
Joe Clare | University of Western Australia | What’s changing in what’s being stolen? Examining 11-years of residential burglaries for target selection, repeat victimisation, net return on offending effort, and theft of motor vehicles. | Slides (PPTX, 6.3 MB) | YouTube |
Alana Cook | Department of the Attorney-General and Justice, NT | An analysis of alcohol-related justice system contacts following introduction of the Northern Territory Banned Drinker Register | Slides (PPTX, 1.7 MB) | YouTube |
George Karystianis | Kirby Institute, The University of New South Wales | Automatic extraction of mental health disorders from domestic violence police narratives: a text mining study | Slides (PPTX, 9.1 MB) | YouTube |
Felix Leung | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research | Predicting offending on bail | Slides (PDF, 3.5 MB) | YouTube |
Roman Marchant | Centre for Translational Data Science | Bayesian optimisation for police patrolling | Slides (PPTX, 61.8 MB) | YouTube |
Federico Masera | University of New South Wales | Flight from urban blight: Lead poisoning, crime and suburbanization | Slides (PDF, 5.4 MB) | YouTube |
Anthony Morgan | Australian Institute of Criminology | Does CCTV help police solve crime? | Slides (PPTX, 533.8 KB) | YouTube |
Evarn J Ooi | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research | The impact of Private versus Public legal representation on criminal proceedings | Slides (PDF, 99.3 KB) | YouTube |
Kyle Ott Rachel Teicher |
John Jay College of Criminal Justice | Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Data Science: A case study of enhancing IPV data and implementing an IPV focused deterrence strategy | Slides (PDF, 589.7 KB) | YouTube |
Suzanne Poynton | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research | The effect of the NSW custodial Violent Offender Treatment Program (VOTP) on reoffending | Slides (PDF, 1.0 MB) | YouTube |
Sara Rahman | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research | The marginal effect of bail decisions on failure to appear, imprisonment and crime | Slides (PDF, 1.1 MB) | YouTube |
Lucy Snowball | NSW Department of Education | Did the National Firearms Agreement reduce the likelihood of a gun massacre in Australia? | Slides (PPTX, 118.6 KB) | YouTube |
Benjamin Spivak Nina Papalia |
Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science: Swinburne University | A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of psychological interventions with violent offenders in custodial, community, and forensic mental health settings | Slides (PPTX, 1.4 MB) | YouTube |
Anna Stewart | Griffith University | Assessing the life course overlaps among mental health, child protection and criminal justice system contacts: Similarities and differences by gender and Indigenous status | Slides (PPTX, 1.5 MB) | YouTube |
Don Weatherburn | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research | Can electronic monitoring reduce reoffending | Slides (PPTX, 1.1 MB) | YouTube |
Richard Wortley | Jill Dando Institute, University College London | A situational analysis of homicide in Australia | Slides (PDF, 235.6 KB) | YouTube |
Steve Yeong | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research | The effect of police on crime and arrests: Are police deterring or incapacitating criminals? | Slides (PDF, 219.2 KB) | YouTube |
Steve Yeong | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research | A re-analysis of the 2015 Domestic Violence Evidence in Chief Re-offending (DVEC) | Slides (PDF, 433.8 KB) | YouTube |
Giulio Zanella | University of Adelaide | Prison work and recidivism | Slides (PDF, 535.7 KB) | YouTube |
05 Feb 2025